JAKARTA POST | Artist Citra Sasmita “hacks” patriarchal Balinese traditions


Growing up in a less privileged family from a low caste in Bali and being discriminated against as a woman, Citra Sasmita brings forth equality issues in her artworks. Inside one of the display rooms at Biennale Jogja 2019, five long canvases are hung beautifully.


Each depicts dozens of naked female figures with long hair and playing with fire, water and plants. Beneath the paintings, the title of the artwork was written with turmeric powder on the floor — it reads Timur Merah Project: The Embrace of My Motherland. Beautiful yet striking, feminine yet strong, the artwork belonged to artist Citra Sasmita. Born in Bali on March 30, 1990, Citra Sasmita is an artist who focuses on women’s issues. Through her art, she challenges Bali’s patriarchal system that has existed for generations.
