24th Biennale of Sydney | Chau Chak Wing Museum announces Biennale of Sydney artists


Twenty artists from Australia and around the world bring a breadth of formats and perspectives to the Chau Chak Wing Museum for the 24th Biennale of Sydney. The museum is a Partner at this year’s Biennale of Sydney, Ten Thousand Suns, a free exhibition which runs from 9 March until 10 June.
Citra Sasmita (Indonesia)  will present a major new painting installation as part of her ongoing series, the Timur Merah Project. Established by the artist in 2019, the project reframes historical texts and cultural materials which objectify or omit the role of women in Balinese society. Sasmita’s interpretation of traditional Kamasan paintings will be rendered on three large scale canvas works.
24th Biennale of Sydney, Ten Thousand Suns, at the Chau Chak Wing Museum

University Place, The University of Sydney,

9 March  – 10 June 2024

Monday to Friday, 10am-5pm (until 9pm on Thursdays); Saturday and Sunday, 12-4pm

